An Open Letter to my Birth Mother at Christmas
Dear Birth Mama,
I think about you a lot during the holiday season, and when I think about you, a deep-seated thankfulness wells up within me. Why? Because you sacrificed so much to give me my family.
When I was five years old, I took my first dance lessons. I was so proud of my tiny pink slippers and walked around on my tiptoes everywhere I went. Before my first recital, I was almost too nervous to go on stage. I peeked around the curtain and I saw him. My Dad was in the front row holding flowers and smiling at me. After my performance, I ran into his arms and he twirled me around telling me how proud he was of me.
Because of you, I have a dad who adores me.
When I was in high school I would come home from a long day and my mom would warm up hot chocolate and we would sit on the couch and talk. I told her about the boys I liked and the friend drama I was dealing with, and mom would tell me stories about her high school days. She reminded me of truth and invested deeply in me.
Because of you, I have a mom who is emotionally present for me through the good and the bad.
And as I wrap up in a blanket by the fire on this cold December night, I know that you are out there getting ready for Christmas. I don’t know what your Christmas will look like, but I know that we will not be together. And while that reality may sting in the deepest places of your soul, please hear me say that you did not make a mistake by entrusting me to my mom and dad. You gave me an amazing family and I am forever grateful to you.
My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will know that you are brave and that I love you for giving me the most beautiful life.
Thank you for everything.
Your Girl
Birthparents are brave beyond words but the beginning of the journey is usually scary. If you or someone you care about is struggling with an unplanned pregnancy, Lifeline is here to help. Our Pregnancy Counselors are available 24/7 to encourage, to love and to speak truth. You are not alone.
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