Mother’s Day is Hard for me
Mother’s day can bring so many different emotions, especially for women who had unexpected pregnancies. No matter what feelings this holiday brings up, know that it is okay to feel that way. Maybe you feel joy for children you parent, or sadness over a baby you chose to give up for adoption. We hope this Mother’s Day, you know that you did not give up! You made a loving plan for your child. Others feel the pain of miscarriages or previous abortions, which leave the day full of “what if” moments.
Here are some other tips for getting through the weekend:
Get Outside.
You may want to turn off the TV and go for a walk if you can be outside. Thinking of things you’re grateful for while enjoying 20 minutes of exercise can make a big difference! It may be as simple as ‘I’m grateful I got up this morning and have the ability to walk.’ It doesn’t have to be major accomplishments. If you can’t go for a walk, consider sitting outside while you write things you are grateful for on a piece of paper or in the notes section of your phone. It doesn’t have to take more than 10 minutes but it can make a world of difference.
Get Creative.
Try a craft or project! Pick flowers from your yard or a field! Find something special to leave out where you can see it each day, like a picture of someone you love or something that makes you smile. It doesn’t need to be about your mom or your child – just anything that makes you smile and feel loved, so it will be a constant reminder through the weekend of how loved you are!
Say Thank You.
Take a moment to think of someone in your life that you can say “thank you” to. Maybe they did something for you, were there for you when you needed someone to talk to, or made you laugh on a day when you needed it. Consider sending them a message (text, Facebook, snapchat – anything!). These messages will bring you joy and let others know what they mean to you.
It is our hope that these suggestions are helpful for you, but if you still find that you feel sad or down, please reach out to us! We have a community of women who also placed a baby for adoption. We walk through the open adoption process with women each year, and want to support you!
Maybe you’re facing this Mother’s Day looking for options for your unplanned pregnancy. We can help you learn about each option, so you can choose what is best for you and your baby, from a trusted adoption agency.
Our pregnancy counselors want to make sure you are informed about parenting, abortion, and adoption.
If you would like to talk with one of our Pregnancy Counselors, call or text our Free, 24/7 Hotline at 1-800-875-5595 or submit a request for a Pregnancy Counselor to contact you.